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Los Angeles County residents flood beaches amid coronavirus outbreak, so now they’re being closed

Even as they asked millions of Los Angeles County residents to stay at home last week  to prevent a more disastrous outbreak of the novel coronavirus, county and city officials across the region left open the possibility for residents gone stir crazy to get outside for a breath of fresh air.
The problem over the weekend, however, was that tens of thousands of people apparently had the same idea. Los Angeles News
With beautiful early spring weather in play, beaches across Los Angeles County were teeming with beachgoers Saturday and Sunday, said Pono Barnes, a spokesman for the county fire department’s lifeguards. Los Angeles News Updates
He described the beach weather in placid, pleasant terms: “sunny, clear blue skies and a mellow surf.”
“It was normal attendance for our beaches,” he said. “Given the current state of affairs, it was more than we should have seen. Which would be nobody.”
There was no official estimate for the number of people who went to the beach over the weekend. Barnes said attendance for L.A. County beaches can vary wildly depending on the weather, as well a

Events are happening at local beaches.

When big events are happening, he said, attendance can reach into the hundreds of thousands. He said when the weather is nice, a very rough estimate would be in the tens of thousands. Los Angles Polaitical New
That’s similar to what city officials up and down L.A. County’s coastline reported over the weekend, with some expressing frustration that so many people were at the beach with few practicing the recommended “social distancing” of around six feet per person.
“This is serious,” a clearly exasperated Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said on Sunday. “Six feet matters…There is no exception unless you’re a first responder or critical worker. These are difficult changes we are making but they are going to do more than just protect yourself. They’re there to stop the deaths of your loved ones.” Los Angeles Distribution Service

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