
Breaking News

Coronavirus: The most important things for Friday, April 17, into the weekend

Gov. Gavin Newsom has said that people will still be wearing masks. School schedules might need to be staggered. Restaurants might need to be redesigned to allow for social distancing. Mass gatherings such as concerts and sporting events might have to wait a long time to come back.

In Los Angeles County, Public Health Director Barbara Los Angeles News Ferrer said certain strategies need to be in place before the county lifts its health order, “later on in the month of May, in most likelihood.”

“What we’re going to be working on as part of our recovery is figuring out how we can, in fact, get more people back to work,” she said.

One thing is clear: L.A. restaurants are already at work trying to figure out how to safely reopen.

L.A. County coronavirus deaths hit a new one-day high.

In a new one-day high, L.A. county reported 55 additional Press Release Distribution Service In Los Angeles coronavirus-linked deaths Thursday, marking the third straight day the county has seen a record number of deaths — bringing the county’s total to 455.

Of the latest victims, 43 were older than 65, and 39 of those had underlying health conditions, Ferrer said.

Nine were between 41 and 65, and all had underlying health conditions, she added. In total, Ferrer said, 88% of those who have died as a result of COVID-19 had other health problems.

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