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Biden says Cuomo should resign if the investigation confirms accusers' claims

President Biden said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo should resign if an investigation supports the sexual misconduct claims made by his accusers.

"If the investigation confirms the claims of the women, should he resign?" ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos asked Tuesday. More of the interview was scheduled to air on the network Wednesday morning. 

"Yes," Biden responded. "I think he'll probably end up being prosecuted, too."

"How about right now?" Stephanopoulos pressed, citing the growing calls for Cuomo's resignation from prominent New York Democrats such as U.S. Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, who have argued Cuomo cannot be "an effective governor" amid the scandals.

"That's a judgment for them to make," Biden responded.


"A woman should be presumed to be telling the truth and should not be scapegoated and become victimized by her coming forward," Biden continued. "But there should be an investigation to determine whether what she says is true. That's what's going on now."

"And you've been very clear, if the investigation confirms the claims, he's gone," Stephanopoulos followed. 

"That's what I think happens," Biden responded. "And, by the way, it may very well be that there could be a criminal prosecution that is attached to it. ... I've started with the presumption [that] it takes a lot of courage for a woman to come forward. Some are not ... anyway. It takes a lot of courage to come forward and so the presumption is [that] it should be taken seriously and it should be investigated. And that's what's underway now." 

Seven women have come forward in recent weeks accusing the embattled Democrat of unwanted touching, inappropriate comments, forcibly kissing an aide on the lips, and groping a staffer at the governor's mansion. 



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